
DBA Program (Doctor of Organization Administration) Doctorate Degree Program

DBA Program (Doctor of Organization Administration)

DBA Program (Doctor of Organization Administration) - a new direction in the work of the Institute of Business Administration RANHiGS. This is specially made for company owners and top executives who want to learn the most contemporary business theory, reinforce its effective practical recipes and finally enhance the management with their organization.

The audience of students come from a variety of industries.. That they see that their problems and difficulties are incredibly similar, and enrich the other person with their business experience Business. ru talked with associates of three spheres signed up in DBA program IBDA RANHiGS: municipal management, strategies and timber industry. Each of our interlocutors talked about their studies and about the benefits it gave them.

 < <DBA for frontrunners who want to develop in several directions"

Anatoly Tige, deputy head of the Department for External Monetary and International Relations of Moscow

Execitive. Ru: Just how valuable to you skills and attitudes obtained on the DBA?

Anatoly Aiguilles: Self learning format DBA is exclusive: it allows you to effectively set up existing knowledge and discuss in a group of practical issues encountered on the job. I have had the experience of listening to lectures on the MBA program - and I can with certainty declare the DBA is a qualitatively different strategy to learning.

Information is not only in one direction from the tutor to the audience - it put into the dynamic discussion participants. In our group of seven people who find themselves leaders or business owners in a number of sectors: the military-industrial complex, IT, venture business, consulting, industry, services... That is interesting to compare how each of all of us apply the acquired knowledge to their field.

Execitive. ru: What new assignments and ideas were created to you in the learning process?

AV.: the DBA pushed me to to start out work with a job related to the launch of Moscow as an international financial center. The essence with this federal program was discovered back in 2010, but now regarding the the foreign policy situation is a point of view, if the task does not have a primary priority.

I assume that it is fundamentally wrong: just today in the direction of the relevant as ever before. We all can not afford to get rid of the contacts established on the western part of the country, and at the same time we have to use the new opportunities in Okazaki, japan.

It is gratifying that the project was reinforced and that we learn to move definitely to the creation of a specialized structure to unite the main financial centers of the world and offer them with more effective cooperation among themselves.

Execitive. ru: Precisely what is the theme of your dissertation on the DBA program, and how it relates to your projects practice?

A.: My studies have just devoted an international financial center. I want to characterize the character of the financial middle, to determine the key factors of its development and competitiveness, make a relative analysis of different financial centers - global, international, regional... clear trend that more plus more cities are aiming to get a financial center.

I want to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Moscow to that end and identify the optimal development route for her. Undoubtedly, in this need to create a specialized organization similar to the ones that already exist in cities such as London or The netherlands.


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