
Master of Arts In Education (MAEd) in Educational Administration - AGROSY University

Master of Arts In Education (MAEd) in Educational Administration - AGROSY University

Usually do not calm down long-standing issue about how precisely the project administrator is way better: a person with a good understanding of the subject area or a professional in the field of project management.

It can be clear that, ideally, it must be an ace in the full, but also in practice this is rare. And when it comes to the selection of the top of the project office ( RPO ), the challenge is complicated, because it is broken down into several components. Therefore, to begin with.

Ought to RPO understand thoroughly the subject area?
By example with the project director begs the clear view: Of course, ideally, if the RPO is a great expert in the subject area, it has comprehensive experience of task management and project office, especially in the same company.

Of course, it is suitable for all requirements. Although if the company can quickly find such an excellent applicant? And not very costly it will cost the company? Therefore, this post will discuss the trade-offs based upon the actual situation.

Digression - I always meets ad about finding individuals with approximately the required requirements "is urgently needed project manager. Required experience in organizing and customizing the production of powder milk, as well as the introduction of Trim 6 Sigma knowledge Aris, Business Studio, Visio.

Knowledge with milk powder series AGV11s welcome plus for the prospect is the knowledge of the German. Abnormal working hours, transport to the corporate office (Mytishchi). Salary of 90 1000. Rub. Cozy office, espresso and biscuits for free. inches

Believe me, Now i am simply a little embellished. The meaning of the location of such advertisings has always remained a puzzle to me. Therefore, depending on reality, it is required to figure out how well the RPO should own subject area in order to supervise the project office.

Probably, it is expected that now I will give a few dozen plots - studies, surveys and expert opinion, and even some analytical data. Alas, no such data, which could be declared the knowledge of the subject area head of the task office - is the key to success.

My own attempt to organize their own personal experience and this of the RPO, with whom I met, generated the same conclusion within the last ten years: there is absolutely no connection between your knowledge of the subject area mind of the project office and the success of the project office.

Similarly frequent RPO with a degree in marketing, effectively managing a team from it specialists. And at least there are managers with years of experience in construction and special education who fail four of the five construction assignments.

So my first realization: the knowledge of the subject area for the RPO is not required, as there is no precise data on the impact of skills in the subject area for the successful procedure of the project office. This kind of conclusion is very important for the potential workplace as expanding the area of the prospect search.


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