
DBA Program (Doctor of Organization Administration) Doctorate Degree Program

DBA Program (Doctor of Organization Administration)

DBA Program (Doctor of Organization Administration) - a new direction in the work of the Institute of Business Administration RANHiGS. This is specially made for company owners and top executives who want to learn the most contemporary business theory, reinforce its effective practical recipes and finally enhance the management with their organization.

The audience of students come from a variety of industries.. That they see that their problems and difficulties are incredibly similar, and enrich the other person with their business experience Business. ru talked with associates of three spheres signed up in DBA program IBDA RANHiGS: municipal management, strategies and timber industry. Each of our interlocutors talked about their studies and about the benefits it gave them.

 < <DBA for frontrunners who want to develop in several directions"

Anatoly Tige, deputy head of the Department for External Monetary and International Relations of Moscow

Execitive. Ru: Just how valuable to you skills and attitudes obtained on the DBA?

Anatoly Aiguilles: Self learning format DBA is exclusive: it allows you to effectively set up existing knowledge and discuss in a group of practical issues encountered on the job. I have had the experience of listening to lectures on the MBA program - and I can with certainty declare the DBA is a qualitatively different strategy to learning.

Information is not only in one direction from the tutor to the audience - it put into the dynamic discussion participants. In our group of seven people who find themselves leaders or business owners in a number of sectors: the military-industrial complex, IT, venture business, consulting, industry, services... That is interesting to compare how each of all of us apply the acquired knowledge to their field.

Execitive. ru: What new assignments and ideas were created to you in the learning process?

AV.: the DBA pushed me to to start out work with a job related to the launch of Moscow as an international financial center. The essence with this federal program was discovered back in 2010, but now regarding the the foreign policy situation is a point of view, if the task does not have a primary priority.

I assume that it is fundamentally wrong: just today in the direction of the relevant as ever before. We all can not afford to get rid of the contacts established on the western part of the country, and at the same time we have to use the new opportunities in Okazaki, japan.

It is gratifying that the project was reinforced and that we learn to move definitely to the creation of a specialized structure to unite the main financial centers of the world and offer them with more effective cooperation among themselves.

Execitive. ru: Precisely what is the theme of your dissertation on the DBA program, and how it relates to your projects practice?

A.: My studies have just devoted an international financial center. I want to characterize the character of the financial middle, to determine the key factors of its development and competitiveness, make a relative analysis of different financial centers - global, international, regional... clear trend that more plus more cities are aiming to get a financial center.

I want to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Moscow to that end and identify the optimal development route for her. Undoubtedly, in this need to create a specialized organization similar to the ones that already exist in cities such as London or The netherlands.

BS in Political Science and Public Administration

BS in Political Science and Public Administration:

Every single company is considering the simple fact that its employees have been trained and will work effectively. The downside is that a pretty big company is not easy to form a professional staff of fitness level.

Additionally, it happens that it makes no sense to take the formerly specific professionals, as appropriate to prepare it at the stage of training and adaptation. And what if the employees who require training, working in various departments scattered across the country?

It is often such situations lead companies to find tools for distance learning and development experts. Ideally, this could be such tools, that can be effectively merged with classroom training and seminars, building a logical system of corporate training.

In the following paragraphs we consider the basic steps for the implementation of your learning management system, the Learning the Management the System ( the LMS ), or an e-learning.

Step one particular. Understand when and why you need to e-learning
There are numerous the most powerful factors t the reality that the company chosen to implement an e-learning, specifically:

Geographically distributed business models

 Many personnel to be trained
Frequently changing work processes and technologies that need to quickly present to employees
Deadlines for carrying out large-scale training activities
A large amount of standardized training

Limited budget
Inability to hide existing needs for training only at the expense of full-time formats
The shortage of a convenient tool for managing the company carried out teaching activities.
So, you have found several factors that reveal a need to present in the company an e-learning. What direction to go if you have never been encountered with remote tools training and development?

Step 2. Analyze what tools e-learning needs
Often the first tools that are seen by the corporation, are the so-called offline tools:

1) learning: e-learning courses and tests

2) and then for communication: forums, blogs, great example of such.

In the same time, we should not forget that, thanks to e-learning can organize distance learning in real time via online video conferencing, webinars, Skype. An additional good thing about the introduction of e-learning is starting to become the development of the company is not simply a digital selection, and a full knowledge base.

Step 3: Select LMS, right under the goals and objectives of the company
Consider what are the conditions for selecting the system, structured on that the company can build a learning website - the key tool of corporate-learning an e.

First of all, it is a careful analysis of LMS features and provider who gives it. Does the business search functionality of the system? Does the supplier experience in implementing jobs in a situation similar to yours? Are you able to form a modular system, adopted by mounting? How is the support?

Pay attention to details including the occurrence of the provider of methodology and tools for rapid implementation and edition of the device, the opportunity of a quick installation "box" solution and its particular visibility, extensibility of the device to a full solutions for talent management, and, the natural way, price.

Master of Science (M.S.) in Education - Special Education (non-licensure) (Grades K-12)

Master of Science (M.S.) in Education - Special Education (non-licensure) (Grades K-12)

We started work in 2009. Initially, we had two areas - consulting and creation of custom software. In 2012, business was so good that we have developed its own cloud service for people who do buiness and launched a startup.

Yet after a year, when these were made only the first measures in our service found on the market, we are in a crisis situation. We made mistakes, were too upbeat in their expectations, and earnings growth slowed. To survive this hard time, it had to take some tough measures. And when in 2014 a wave of crisis protected all spheres of Russian business, we already recognized what to do.

1) Examine all the items of expenditure and slice costs
First of all, we started looking for where you conserve. Consequently far, things were working nicely, it created the illusion that every expenses are absolutely necessary. But after closer inspection, it experienced been that there are several areas where this can be cut easily.

Overstaffing. We advise new eyes to look at his team. At a time when our business for the first time faced with the catastrophe, 18 people worked in the company. We said goodbye to three employees.
Socrates lawyer. We have learned that his main job - is the preparation of standard documents. And their subsequent support would not require frequent occurrence of any specialist. We enlightened the legal professional of the impending dismissals, and before leaving he prepared all the necessary documents. Nowadays, when we need to draw up a new treaty, we turn to a third-party company.

Decrease office manager. Relationships with suppliers of office materials and other objects that occupy office manager, were forged and hand them over to another staff in the form of a tiny load (approximately one to two hours every week) was not difficult.

Reduce driver. The occurrence of this standard device was more an extravagance. Following she died, employees started out to go on working meetings in a minicab, and the company - to reimburse their bills at the end of the month.

The extra spending. We were in a trap that often fall into young companies. Feeling the first success, we felt that now the business enterprise will only expand. And they started out to spend money as if our company is already rich.

Foodstuff at the office. Costs "on the cookies" we have reduced to forty thousand. Up to 4 thousand. Per month. Prior to that it was not only sweet in the office, but also berry, yogurt, bread, cheese. These interested can order food to the office all on your own taste. This attitude of the team has only advantages, but unfortunately, in fact at the minute we are on such a life not yet earned. Cancel "cookies", of course, not pleased employees.

But the disaster performed not happen, because no person did not quit. Personnel were more likely to bring to the office treat the other person - handmade cookies, candy, apples.

Master of Arts In Education (MAEd) in Educational Administration - AGROSY University

Master of Arts In Education (MAEd) in Educational Administration - AGROSY University

Usually do not calm down long-standing issue about how precisely the project administrator is way better: a person with a good understanding of the subject area or a professional in the field of project management.

It can be clear that, ideally, it must be an ace in the full, but also in practice this is rare. And when it comes to the selection of the top of the project office ( RPO ), the challenge is complicated, because it is broken down into several components. Therefore, to begin with.

Ought to RPO understand thoroughly the subject area?
By example with the project director begs the clear view: Of course, ideally, if the RPO is a great expert in the subject area, it has comprehensive experience of task management and project office, especially in the same company.

Of course, it is suitable for all requirements. Although if the company can quickly find such an excellent applicant? And not very costly it will cost the company? Therefore, this post will discuss the trade-offs based upon the actual situation.

Digression - I always meets ad about finding individuals with approximately the required requirements "is urgently needed project manager. Required experience in organizing and customizing the production of powder milk, as well as the introduction of Trim 6 Sigma knowledge Aris, Business Studio, Visio.

Knowledge with milk powder series AGV11s welcome plus for the prospect is the knowledge of the German. Abnormal working hours, transport to the corporate office (Mytishchi). Salary of 90 1000. Rub. Cozy office, espresso and biscuits for free. inches

Believe me, Now i am simply a little embellished. The meaning of the location of such advertisings has always remained a puzzle to me. Therefore, depending on reality, it is required to figure out how well the RPO should own subject area in order to supervise the project office.

Probably, it is expected that now I will give a few dozen plots - studies, surveys and expert opinion, and even some analytical data. Alas, no such data, which could be declared the knowledge of the subject area head of the task office - is the key to success.

My own attempt to organize their own personal experience and this of the RPO, with whom I met, generated the same conclusion within the last ten years: there is absolutely no connection between your knowledge of the subject area mind of the project office and the success of the project office.

Similarly frequent RPO with a degree in marketing, effectively managing a team from it specialists. And at least there are managers with years of experience in construction and special education who fail four of the five construction assignments.

So my first realization: the knowledge of the subject area for the RPO is not required, as there is no precise data on the impact of skills in the subject area for the successful procedure of the project office. This kind of conclusion is very important for the potential workplace as expanding the area of the prospect search.

Master of Education in Special Education – Teacher of Students with Disabilities (MEd) William Peterson University

Master of Education in Special Education – Teacher of Students with Disabilities (MEd) William Peterson University

In the event you translate a word from English literally, it includes two parts:  < <net> >  (network), "work" (work), as it happens, "to work on the network. " A very precise definition, although the basic principle which is established the establishment and growth of business contacts shown to be effective long before the idea of "networking".

For example, if you wish to solve a problem, for example, to find an employee or contractor of the project, it is worth to share this problem with colleagues, companions, friends.

Located person who knows another, who is aware someone else who therefore can help you. This kind of is the power of networking, and everyone could see this more than once.

And when it comes to finding potential customers, in some circumstances, the networking works even more effectively than advertising. At least, in a tiny business in b2b. While an entrepreneur,

I can admit in most situations, I have found new partners and customers thanks a lot to the old connections. In the words of Richard Branson: "People obtain people. If you do not line up friendly, trusting relationships with the right people, far away your business will never go. "

Where to look for new contacts
To expand professional relationships My spouse and i actively use a variety of activities. Particularly, seminars, trade fairs invariably is an essential part of the professional process of entrepreneurs to establish contacts and meet new interesting people.

Pertaining to effective participation to the event, most importantly, to prepare. I recommend to make a plan, identify with whom you want to meet there. Examine the set of participants, speakers. Concerns, how to meet, how to approach, points to speak, how to introduce themselves, also need to consider in advance. What things is that your project seemed natural, that is steady with the situation.

For example, within a coffee-break can ask the individual standing up next to his view of the speakers, to share his. The question can be absolutely nearly anything, most significantly, it must be open, that is, should not imply a clear answer "yes" or "no. " Otherwise, the talk may simply not happen.

At the stage of love is most important to know what living associate. Will not sell their services. Is to do not simply hold out a business card, it is better to offer to exchange contacts in the communication process. And yes, do not be pushy. Pertaining to a while, we spoke - and politely end the conversation. Give the person an possibility to interact socially with others.

Often during the events I realize as colleagues from the same company that arrived together during the event do not leave, even on coffee breaks. Always be sure to find the perfect time to meet with colleagues from other companies or areas.

One of the most frequent blunders - is to visit the conference and your time whole day, not looking up from the phone, constantly checking email, answering calls. The question is, why would you come to the wedding.